Free Blackjack

Free Blackjack- what is it?

Have you always wanted to try the most popular casino games in the world but are anxious about shelling out some cash? Have you ever told yourself: “Okay this is it; I’m going to try playing in a casino just to experience what it’s like,” only to back out at the last minute because the casino environment intimidates you too much? If the above instances describe you, then why not try your hand in Free Blackjack: a free online adaptation of the popular card game which you can access in the comforts of your own living room. 


Understanding Blackjack through the flow of the game

To understand how to play blackjack, it’s important to remember it’s most fundamental rules; namely: you only play versus the dealer and your goal is to beat the dealer’s hand total without going over 21. With that in mind, we can now move on to discussing step-by-step how the game is played. 

  1. The game starts out by the player betting from the minimum amount up to All In. In free online blackjack, these bets are taken from your virtual credit- not actual money so you don’t have to worry about running out!
  2. The dealer will give you two cards and take two cards for himself. The dealer must always have one card face-up and another face-down when he deals. At this point, you have possibly three choices: hit, stand, or split your bet (if you have two cards of the same value). You can double your bet at any time before you declare any of these decisions.
  3. Choosing “hit” will make the dealer give you one more card, but keep in mind that you automatically lose if the value of your cards exceeds 21. Given this, you must always remember that getting as close to 21 as possible will greatly increase your chances of winning in blackjack.
  4. When you are satisfied with your hand, you may choose the “stand” option. This is a signal to the dealer that you are ready to play your hand.
  5. Now the dealer reveals the face-down card and will continue to hit until he/she reaches 17. You win if the combined value of your cards is greater than that of the dealer’s.

Online vs traditional / casino blackjack

Like most card games, blackjack has seen itself adapted into the digital medium. Online blackjack has typically the same rules as traditional blackjack, but with more features which make it more accessible to all players in the spectrum. Obviously, online blackjack needs less time and energy to get into as all it takes is to fire up your computer, find a free blackjack game online, and play away. 

Playing blackjack in a casino also requires players to get a grasp on basic playing etiquette. Casinos take the security of their patrons and dealers very importantly, so you must learn to play by their rules all the time. A good example of this is in the way the player communicates his decisions to the dealer. In online blackjack, there are dedicated buttons for “bet”, “hit”, “stand”, “split”, and “double” that a player must click. This input is then communicated to the computer and the response of the dealer (in this case the computer) is immediate. Blackjack inside a casino requires more thought and social interactions. A player must know the hand signals for “hit”, “stand”, and other commands. He/she must also be constantly aware of the rules set forth by the casino such as “no smoking”, “no touching of cards”, “no telling players what to do”, among others. 


Another key difference is that in online blackjack, you are playing alone. This is in stark contrast with traditional blackjack, where you play with other players on the table and the dealer in front of you. 

Anyone who loves the game of blackjack will play it anyway, even if the environment and some of the features are tweaked. What Free Blackjack does, is make the game more accessible to those who want to try their hand in playing it for the first time, without being troubled by the casino environment, or the possibility of losing money. Since blackjack is also a skill and strategy game, playing it online is a great virtual training ground in preparation for real blackjack (with bets) either in an actual casino or an online one. The best way of mastering something is by doing it on a regular basis, after all. 

It’s important to note that Free Blackjack isn’t just for novices. Veteran players might also want to engage with it online since it is a breath of fresh air if they are feeling too saturated from their regular betting games. It also prevents things from being too dull and boring because it forces the player to think and make decisions with every hand dealt. 

Lastly, blackjack online is a much faster game than in a real casino. In fact, players have said that the pace is faster online because you do not need to interact or make small talk with other players and the dealer in the middle of a game. For those who want to focus on the core game itself without the distractions, online is definitely the way to go.